Last update: 21/06/2023

Ficara Emilio Pietro Giovanni

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Tutto ciò che trovate nel sito è stato realizzato da me ed è disponibile gratuitamente per fini non commerciali. Non mi assumo alcuna responsabilità per le eventuali inesattezze contenute nei programmi e/o negli schemi elettrici e per OGNI POSSIBILE DANNO derivante dall'uso del materiale messo a disposizione. Effettuando un download, IMPLICITAMENTE ACCETTATE di utilizzare quanto prelevato sotto la VOSTRA ESCLUSIVA responsabilità.
Everything found at the site was made by me and is available free for non-commercial purposes.I do not take any responsibility for any inaccuracies contained in the programs and / or wiring diagrams and EVERY POSSIBLE DAMAGE arising out of the material made available. By doing a download, you IMPLICITLY AGREE to use as taken under YOUR EXCLUSIVE responsibility.

display and board picture :: Lcd controller; connect 20x4 character LCD to parallel port

Puppy_Gambas_LCD.tar.gz (9.77KB)
  • I use the Alix-1D motherboard for embedded applications, with Puppy Linux OS and Gambas2 visual Basic IDE. It's very easy to connect an LCD character display to the parallel port of the motherboard. There is a PIN STRIP connector, named J14, that provides all the signals for the parallel port. In my application I used the Hitachi LM044L display connected to the board in this way:
        DB7..DB0 - Data bus, connected to 'D7..D0' of LCD
        /STB - Strobe, connected to 'E' of LCD
        /SCI - Slct-in, connected to 'WE' of LCD
        /AFD - Auto-LF, connected to 'RS' of LCD
        GND - Signal ground, connected to 'VSS' of LCD
        The +5V supply can be taken from pin 4 of connector J15
    schematic diagram
The downloadable file contains the whole project folder with sources for Gambas2. This is a minimal working implementation; you have two buttons on the form: the first is for display initialization / clear, the second writes an incrementing character each time you click it, every time moving to next available LCD cursor position.
Look at my page
linux_howto for a small tutorial on Gambas2 environment installation.

program screenshot :: Sms logger; reads sms from cellphone and stores to your disk

smslog_0.0.17-1_all.deb (9.73 KB) *last update Jan 10 2010*